Red Meat Innovation Centre

Product testing and paddock to plate research

Charles Sturt's Red Meat Innovation Centre is leading the way in red meat innovation, by researching the impact different livestock production systems and post harvest technologies have on meat quality and consumer preference.

With the rapid growth of emerging economies, particularly across Asia, it is estimated that an additional three billion consumers will be demanding higher volumes and quality of food and fibre, including more protein.

Increasingly, consumers want to know that the animal products that end up on their plate, meets their standards. So, when it comes to consumer confidence and issued like sustainability practices, farming ethics, animal welfare and biosecurity, the ability to trace an individual cut of meat from paddock to plate, will ensure that Australian producers secure their future in the shifting red meat market.

With a focus on the markets of tomorrow, the Red Meat Innovation Centre (RMIC) is supporting industry to explore best-practices traceability and leading research into meat quality and consumer preferences.

Helping producers prepare for tomorrow

The RMIC exists to help red meat producers and processors be better equipped to meet consumer demands and preferences today, and into the future, by supporting innovations in production processes and technology use.

We do that by:

  • Engaging our industry network to connect innovators and facilitate research.
  • Working alongside researchers and industry exploring livestock production systems and post-harvest technologies, and impact on meat quality.
  • Leading consumer testing, and running sensory sessions to collect data and insights into how farming, feeding, transporting and slaughtering, affect eating quality.
  • Sharing data and consumer insights with organsiations like Meat Standards Australia.
  • Providing access to facilities for testing and showcasing of different technologies, for producers to make data-driven decisions.

Research Facilities

Part of the AgriPark ecosystem, the RMIC is primed to work alongside individual producers, commercial operators, industry groups and government bodies involved in the production of red meat.

Food Technology Laboratories

Located on Charles Sturt University's Wagga Wagga campus, housing the Meat Laboratory and the Food Pilot Plant, a certified food registered premise which includes hanging racks, mincers, vacuum packing equipment, large cool room, kitchen prep area, and change room and lockers. Certified as a food registered premises with Wagga Wagga City Council.

Feedlot of the Future

A real-world facility to explore and showcase best practices in animal health and welfare, including the testing, validation, upscaling and demonstration of new technology to advance animal production and help solve environmental challenges in the industry. Learn more

Lamb Feeding Facility

A facility designed for 2,000 head of livestock, with automation for feeding and watering, and autodrafting capabilities to ensure streamlined operations. Known for its versatility, the facility allows for the feeding of various rations to cater to the diverse requirements of the animals.

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