Renewables in Agriculture

Unlocking the potential for renewable energy solutions for the agricultural sector with innovation, research and real-world testing.

The Challenge:

Australia’s agricultural sector is grappling with the rising cost of inputs like fuel, electricity and fertiliser, and there’s growing demand for environmentally sustainable production.

There’s untapped potential within the industry for renewable energy solutions to provide new revenue streams and to help the transition to net zero carbon emissions.

But much of the existing renewable technology hasn’t been designed for agriculture or tested in an Australian farming environment, and farmers need information about its use, costs and benefits.

As a corollary, technology providers need a place to showcase, pilot, test and seek feedback into new and on existing solutions.

The Solution:

The Renewables in Agriculture Centre of Excellence is identifying opportunities for integration of renewable energy on-farm and developing projects to drive innovation.

Industry-focused and scientifically robust research, delivered by Charles Sturt University will develop, prototype, test and showcase technologies in a ‘living lab’ at the Global Digital Farm.

Partnering with industry and government, the Centre will develop pathways for developing, testing, commercialisation and adoption of agri-focused renewable energy solutions also focusing on skill development for the agricultural Industry.

What is the Renewables in Agriculture Centre of Excellence?

  • A dynamic innovation system that matches new and emerging research to real-world scenarios.
  • A place where robust scientific research is led by Charles Sturt University.
  • A collective of researchers, industry stakeholders, policy makers and community leaders united in the effort to deliver research outcomes, foster innovation, and improve skills and training resources.
  • A place where undergraduate, postgraduate, and vocational outreach and extension activities become the catalyst for change.
  • A ‘living lab’ where new technology and practices are demonstrated, tested, validated and scaled, and new skills are developed in an open-innovation approach.

What is the aim of the centre?

  • Researching and developing innovation in agri-renewables including designing novel technologies and services, building prototypes, road testing and demonstrating new ideas.
  • Promoting sustainability through the circular economy drawing on collective capital and capabilities to drive adoption of sustainable practices that also unlock new revenue streams and business value
  • Adopting and commercialising renewables innovations\demonstrating the potential and benefits of research findings and innovations to broader audiences and creating pathways to commercialisation, scale and impact.

Be part of the journey. Contact us today:

The Global Digital Farm and Food Agility welcome participation from stakeholders in government, industry and academia seeking to bring ag tech research and innovation ideas to life.

Stephen Summerhayes

Director (acting), Renewables in Agriculture Center of Excellence Portfolio Lead – Innovation and Impact